As some of you know, this week has been pretty crazy for Adam and I. We are getting ready to fly to CA to look for houses this Thursday, which means we have to take all of our mid-terms before Thursday. Surprisingly we have done really well on all of our mid-terms, which is a nice feeling to have when we're leaving town. Because Valentines Day was right in the middle of this week, we managed to spend some time together. I surprised Adam by decorating our house and making him breakfast. I absolutely LOVE surprising him because he doesn't know how to react; it's really cute! Then that night we were planning on going to an event through the school that had sleigh rides and dinner. When we arrived, it was in the middle of a muddy field (because all the snow was melting) and the activities had not begun. When we stepped out of our car we thought, hmm, it's cold and nothing is going on, so we bailed and went out to dinner. It was still a very romantic night!